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Science, Sound & Art

As an observer and as an artist, art offers a true respite, lifting a heavy heart and opening new insight.

The most important thing to know about me is that my core values are based on what I’m willing to live for, not what I’m willing to die for. Second, is that music, science and art are my ‘wholly trinity’, a unity that keeps my body healthy, my heart open and my attitudes free to change, so I’m free to live my Purpose on purpose. The unity that is only possible because of the richly textured strands of diversity is underscored in every piece, sourced in the beauty I experienced when the arcing angles of death spun me through the ultimate dance, a near-death experience. 

The collection of images shown here represents the years of dreamscapes, shapes, and forms that arise in my dreamtime. Remembering and bookmarking each by writing in a journal, sketching on paper, or painting on a canvas is how I keep a Promise made after leaving my right footprint in eternity. What I draw/paint is what I hear and given that the ‘MUSIC’ never stops, signing a piece can be a challenge—as friends know and will attest. Because I’m painting dreams, a canvas is a playground, a place to play until clarity emerges. And yes, sometimes it doesn’t come, and this is when i employ white paint! My art is a dilettante’s attempt to capture at least one note of the Universe’s Song, a reminder for myself and you that Love forms, births and connects everything. Each is an offering of the wonder I found in the flow of the universal Love knot, and every stroke nurtures my serenity and reignites the joy that is essential to living wholly and fully on purpose. The section called ‘Memories’ carries echoes of people and place I love. During Covid it’s a space where I can go to remember.

The Pattern tied by the geometric spheres that define the Mereon Matrix is shown to the right. It is my North Star. Hiding somewhere on the site, you’ll find a video that lets you see how when the inaudible Mereon frequencies are played in a few drops of water, it opens and reveals the invisible symphony of life. Every time I watch the Universe’s Silent soundtrack produce the Mereon Matrix,

Cover of the book, “The Mereon Matrix: Everything Connected Through (K)nothing”

Cover of the book, “The Mereon Matrix: Everything Connected Through (K)nothing”

If a single drop of paint resonates with you, my intent is fulfilled. Every painting is a reminder that individually and collectively, we are a masterpiece, life an opportunity to experience the joy that flows with mastering inner peace. If you’re interested in a print or giclee, hand-finished and signed, send me an email at starstuffandglitter@gmail.com and I’ll get get back to you.

P.S. The best way to view the art is to minimise your browser window to 50%. This way, only one image appears at a time!

P.S. An evolving site, new images are added often. 😎

https://mereon.org https://themereon.academy https://belonging.life